LearningModules andResources:
Permits forAnimal Pathogens, Animal ProductsandEtiologicAgents
Theonline learningmoduleprovides anoverviewofUSDAVSandCDCpermits required for research
with regulatedmaterials includinganimal andhumanpathogens. Participantswill learn: theUSDAVS
andCDCpermittingprocess, the typesofmaterials that requireapermit, andhow to complywith
regulations andpermit conditions.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: BIO-USDA-VS-2013-ON
Personal ProtectiveEquipment
Thisonline learningmodule introduces regulatory requirements that govern theuseof PPE in the
workplace; various typesof PPE that areavailable; and the responsibilitiesof those thatmustwearPPE.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-PPE-EQP-2012-ON
RadiationSafety forMaterial Users–Part 1
Thisonline learningmodule ispart 1of a4part series individualswill need to complete inorder touse
radioactivematerialsat IowaStateUniversity. Part 1- Fundamentalsof RadiationSafety covers ageneral
overviewof radiationand radioactivematerials. This series is required for individualswho intend touse
radioactivematerials at IowaStateUniversity.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: RAD-LAB-PRT1-2011-ON
RadiationSafety forMaterial Users–Part 2
Thisonline learningmodule ispart 2of a4part series individualswill need to complete inorder touse
radioactivematerialsat IowaStateUniversity. Part 2 - Biological EffectsandProtectionTechniques
coversbiological effectsof radiationexposure, dose limits, protection techniques, instrumentation,
contamination survey techniques and contamination clean-upprocedures. This series is required for
individualswho intend touse radioactivematerials at IowaStateUniversity.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: RAD-LAB-PRT2-2011-ON
RadiationSafety forMaterial Users–Part 3
Thisonline learningmodule is the thirdpart of a fourpart series individualsneed to complete inorder to
use radioactivematerials at IowaStateUniversity. Part 3 - EnsuringaSafeWorkplace covers
responsibilitiesof radioactivematerial users, securityof radioactivematerials and safetyaccountability.
This series is required for individualswho intend touse radioactivematerials at IowaStateUniversity.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: RAD-LAB-PRT3-2011-ON
Environmental HealthandSafety